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Since people with less body fat have a faster metabolism, they are less likely to store THC metabolites. An individual of any weight, however, can still have traces of the cannabinoid in their blood and/or urine, particularly if they use marijuana regularly. In the end, there are only two methods that work: lowering the THC concentration in marijuana and speeding up the metabolism. We have also included a few at-home DIY remedies that will make you well prepared for the anticipated day. If you are looking for a product that helps flush out the THC from your system in a short period, then go grab yourself this big bright red bottle by Detoxify that will help get rid of that annoying cannabinoid from your system. The orange-red concoction in this Mega Clean Detox Drink has that nostalgic Hawaiian Punch scent; however, the taste is slightly tart with strong strawberry, pineapple, and citrus elements.
Since people with less body fat have a faster metabolism, they are less likely to store THC metabolites. An individual of any weight, however, can still have traces of the cannabinoid in their blood and/or urine, particularly if they use marijuana regularly. In the end, there are only two methods that work: lowering the THC concentration in marijuana and speeding up the metabolism. We have also included a few at-home DIY remedies that will make you well prepared for the anticipated day. If you are looking for a product that helps flush out the THC from your system in a short period, then go grab yourself this big bright red bottle by Detoxify that will help get rid of that annoying cannabinoid from your system. The orange-red concoction in this Mega Clean Detox Drink has that nostalgic Hawaiian Punch scent; however, the taste is slightly tart with strong strawberry, pineapple, and citrus elements.