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[ROM]Android 6.0.1(Marshmallow) For Tecno W4

[ROM]Android 6.0.1(Marshmallow) For Tecno W4 - We've built this blog Red Gadget News a few years ago, in my busy time now I still try to keep updating the information on this blog for you seekers of information about the latest gadget technology, now we're discussing first about us [ROM]Android 6.0.1(Marshmallow) For Tecno W4 has gathered a lot of information to make this article so that the news that you give complete, please see:

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[ROM]Android 6.0.1(Marshmallow) For Tecno W4

 CyanogenMod 13 For TECNO W4 CyanogenMod 13 is a free, community built distribution of Android 6.0.1(Marshmallow) which greatly extends the capabilities of your phone. This is CM 13 for TECNO W4 Ported by My Boss Iyke.

Thing To Know•This Android 6.0.1 is meant for only Tecno W4. Please do not try on any other One device.•
Your phone should have a custom recovery installed in order to install this Rom on your phone.Twrp Recovery For Tecno W4
•We will be using Twrp Recovery for flashing this Rom
•This Rom will wipe out all your data. Make sure you backup all your data in your phone before proceeding.•You are advice to backup your Imei with Mobile uncle before flashing the Rom

How To Flash The CyanogenMod 13 On Your TecnoW4
1.Place CyanogenMod 13 and Gapps at the root of SDcard (not in any folder]
2. Boot into recovery, (Backup previous ROM, in case anything goes wrong]
4. Tick, SYSTEM, CACHES, DATA & Internal Storage I.e. phone storage if u wantto format phone. I recommend you format it. So before flashing copy allyour files from phone memory to SD.
5. After, the WIPING PROCESS, Press back to main menu
6. Select INSTALL, locate ROM on SD card and select.
7. When done, WIPE the CACHE AND DALVIK options at the left of your Screen.
8. Go back to main menu and select INSTALL to flash Gapps immediately. (Don't wipe anything this time, just flash it in)
9. Flash SuperSu, if u want to root it.

DOWNLOAD CyanogenMod 13 For TECNO W4
Gapps Choose arm 6.0.xx

Pharoahs TeamI
brahim Fath El-bab
(Nana Iyke Quame)
Cyanogenmod Team

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