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How to love your busband Islamically

How to love your busband Islamically - We've built this blog Red Gadget News a few years ago, in my busy time now I still try to keep updating the information on this blog for you seekers of information about the latest gadget technology, now we're discussing first about us How to love your busband Islamically has gathered a lot of information to make this article so that the news that you give complete, please see:

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How to love your busband Islamically


Asalaam......                How to love your husband Islamically
very important msg for wifes, fiances, daughters n mothers and for all womens plzzz read n share..
The Women of Hell Fire. Prophet
(saw) said:
"O Ali, on the night of
my ascension (Miraj)I saw
women of my ummah who were
being severely punished that I
became concerned for them and
started cyring.
1)I saw a woman who had been
hung by her breast.
2) I saw a second woman who
was eating her own flesh and fire
raged below her.
3)A third woman was hanging by
her tongue and boiling water was
being poured down her throat.
4)A fourth was bent over, her hands and feet were tied together,and snakes and scorpions were crawling all overher
5)A fifth was deaf, dumb, and blind, enclosed in a cage of fire her brain oozing out of the holes in her skull. Her body fell appart due to leprosy.
6)Another was hung by her feet,
inside and over.
7)Yet another woman's body was
being shredded to pieces by
scissors made of fire.
8)One woman had a head of a pig
and a body of a donkey and was
given several punishments.
9)Another had the face of a dog, fire was entering her body from her posterior and come out of her
mouth and the angels were
beating her with iron rods
Fatimah then inquired her father, 'Please, tell me, what did these women do(to deserve such punishment)?'

Then the Prophet Sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam said :
'Listen my dear; 1)The one who was hanging by her breast used to deny her husband, his rightful pleasure.
2)The one hanging by her feet used to go out of her house without her husband's permission.
3)The one eating her own flesh used to beautify herself and show her body to men other than her husband.
4)The one who's hands and feet were tied together and covered with snakes and scorpions never to care impurity and wasn't careful about ghusl, thus taking her prayer lightly.
5)The deaf, blind, and dumb, used to bear children through adultery but claim the children belonged to her husband.
6)The one whose body was being cut by scissors made of fire never observed hijab in front of non mahrem men.
7)The one whose body was burned and who was eating her own intestines used to provide other woman for ____.
8)The one with the face of a pig and a body of a donkey was a backbiter and a liar.
9) And those with the face of a dog and who had fire entering her behind and coming out of her face was a jealous woman.
May Allah(SWT) protect us from the punishment of the grave and the punishment of the hell fire and grant us Janaat firdaus. Ameen.

A message from a sister; tafrid hussein from al rabh madina al sharqiya. (Emirates). Al salaam alaykum. warahmat Allah wa barakatuh. I make an oath with you people in front of Allah and I leave this as amanah with you until the day of judgement. If you opened this message (read it) that you have to send it to all your contacts. I want you to make dua for me Allah gives me shafa (quick healing). I have the worst form of breast cancer and it's spread all over my skin and body now. I have asked you in the name of Allah don't close this message before you have sent it to all your contacts because one day you
will need dua and an oath (amanah) makes the mountains shake.

Whatsapp us on 07035311650

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