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Alcatel OneTouch Pixi 7 Stock Rom / Firmware Download, Flashing

Alcatel OneTouch Pixi 7 Stock Rom / Firmware Download, Flashing - We've built this blog Red Gadget News a few years ago, in my busy time now I still try to keep updating the information on this blog for you seekers of information about the latest gadget technology, now we're discussing first about us Alcatel OneTouch Pixi 7 Stock Rom / Firmware Download, Flashing has gathered a lot of information to make this article so that the news that you give complete, please see:

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Alcatel OneTouch Pixi 7 Stock Rom / Firmware Download, Flashing

Here you will download Alcatel OneTouch Pixi 7 stock rom / firmware and learn how to flash the downloaded firmware file on your Alcatel smart device.

This firmware package comprises of three different image files: boot.img, recovery.img and system.img. The reason for providing this firmware download separately by partition is to make it easy for those who just need to flash only one partition to fix their bricked device, or other related reasons.


How to flash Alcatel OneTouch Pixi 7 Firmware

After downloading the firmware file(s) to flash on your Pixi 7 from above links, follow the simple guide below to flash the images.

  1. Power off your Alcatel OneTouch Pixi 7
  2. Wait for some seconds, then boot into fastboot mode. (can also be one when device is on, by typing adb reboot bootloader from cmd)
  3. Copy all the image files to your fastboot / adb folder on PC
  4. Launch Command Prompt from fastboot folder (WIN + Shift, then right click and select Open command window here)
  5. Now connect your Pixi 7 to PC via USB while in fastboot mode and type the following commands followed by Enter button after each line
fastboot devices
fastboot flash boot boot.img
fastboot flash recovery recovery.img
fastboot flash system system.img
fastboot reboot 
Immediately the reboot command is run, your device will automatically reboot itself to system. First boot is usually slow, whilst on some devices it is just like rebooting your device. So be patient and wait for the device to boot completely.

Now you have successfully flashed your Alcatel OneTouch Pixi 7 with its official stock rom.

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Related : Alcatel OneTouch Pixi 7 Stock Rom / Firmware Download, Flashing

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