This is Intex Cloud Zest official stock firmware file. The firmware file is meant specifically for Cloud Zest and should not be used on any other Intex device to avoid bricks.
If you use an Intex Cloud Zest phone, please follow the link below to download and flash it using the easy firmware flashing guide shown immediately after the download link.
If you use an Intex Cloud Zest phone, please follow the link below to download and flash it using the easy firmware flashing guide shown immediately after the download link.
- Intex Cloud Zest firmware - Download
How to flash Intex Cloud Zest firmware
This firmware file can easily be flashed using the /2015/11/how-to-flash-stock-rom-firmware-on-any.html" target="_blank">easy-to-use firmware flashing guide here.
If you have questions or any comment at all, please post below.
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