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Sony experia Z untra for infinix hot x507

Sony experia Z untra for infinix hot x507 - We've built this blog Red Gadget News a few years ago, in my busy time now I still try to keep updating the information on this blog for you seekers of information about the latest gadget technology, now we're discussing first about us Sony experia Z untra for infinix hot x507 has gathered a lot of information to make this article so that the news that you give complete, please see:

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Article Custom roms,

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Sony experia Z untra for infinix hot x507

Hello welcome to Andro9ja

Today I present Sony experia Z untra rom for our beloved infinix hot...

This rom was ported by a very good friend of mine...mhmoudmoh <=====√√√

He makes sure the rom is bug free and I'm proud to say thanks to him...

Whats in this rom for us....

Experia z3 boot,shut down animation and audio...(beautiful)

Advanced ram management at least 700mb free (unbelievable)

Experia launcher,ui and settings...

Experia wallpapers and live wallpapers...

Experia largest album.... Walkman,viper4android FX ETC...

Super should quality... (This will shake up your ears...)

Awesome smooth performance...

What else do you want in this rommm..
Name it please.

Enough of the advert... Check it out now...

Download from Mega...

If you have philz recovery installed... Just select clear for a new rom...
And flash...
 I don't have philz recovery... Download philz recovery for infinix hot x507 here

That's all.. Enjoy........

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