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And that's all my phone has to say about that...

And that's all my phone has to say about that... - We've built this blog Red Gadget News a few years ago, in my busy time now I still try to keep updating the information on this blog for you seekers of information about the latest gadget technology, now we're discussing first about us And that's all my phone has to say about that... has gathered a lot of information to make this article so that the news that you give complete, please see:

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Article Air Force, Article camera, Article Cats, Article Gardening, Article McChord AFB, Article Military, Article nature, Article Phone photos, Article Spring, Article Washington,

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And that's all my phone has to say about that...

This week according to my phone.
This is my cat. This is the face my cat makes when I am taking notes for school and he desperately wants to chew on my pen. Any pens left unattended in this house will be pen-napped and will wind up under a fridge or couch with many little teeth marks in them. Silly cat.
We had been putting off buying a weed whacker and lawn mower as long as possible and then all of a sudden it poured for like 2 weeks and that grass just kept on a growin'. Finally we got that situation taken care of. By the end we had a huge pile of grass and it looked like a freshly hayed field.
Also, please note my husbands stylish combat boots and jeans. You can fight wars in them or weed whack your grass- super practical!
This blurry mess is my husband playing the 1st Squadron intramural volleyball game of the season. JoJo's the blue blur, haha.
Finally, it decided to stop raining and let me plant some more of my garden!
wearing a bracelet or two (or 6) on Friday evenings to our young couple's small group so that the leader's beautiful blue-eyed baby girl will want to play with my jewelry and be my bff.

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