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Passionately Curious 4- Einstein on how to make a change, to solve problems and eliminate insanity.

Passionately Curious 4- Einstein on how to make a change, to solve problems and eliminate insanity. - We've built this blog Red Gadget News a few years ago, in my busy time now I still try to keep updating the information on this blog for you seekers of information about the latest gadget technology, now we're discussing first about us Passionately Curious 4- Einstein on how to make a change, to solve problems and eliminate insanity. has gathered a lot of information to make this article so that the news that you give complete, please see:

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Passionately Curious 4- Einstein on how to make a change, to solve problems and eliminate insanity. subtitle...sorry...just not witty enough to produce something for this one. I try people, I really do...

"No problem can be solved 
from the same level of consciousness that created it."

-Albert Einstein 

Intellectuals solve problems, 
geniuses prevent them. 

"It is not that I am so smart, 
but that I stay with problems longer"

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results

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