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I've got a brand new pair of... BLOG LAYOUTS!

I've got a brand new pair of... BLOG LAYOUTS! - We've built this blog Red Gadget News a few years ago, in my busy time now I still try to keep updating the information on this blog for you seekers of information about the latest gadget technology, now we're discussing first about us I've got a brand new pair of... BLOG LAYOUTS! has gathered a lot of information to make this article so that the news that you give complete, please see:

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Article Humor, Article photography, Article This is Me, Article Writing,

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I've got a brand new pair of... BLOG LAYOUTS! you can see, things are looking drastically different over here at 
I was messing around with blog templates, backgrounds, fonts, layouts, the whole 9...and the widths still need some tweaking.
I did like my old black and red scheme, with the dark, E.A. Poe feel had been that was for around 3 years so it was time for a change.

How do ya'll feel about this one? 
 This is what you are seeing now obviously...
Then there is this one, also papery, but with more black...

I am not sure I am sold on it yet. I do like the "writing" sort of theme but...I think I want something more colourful, vintage, bright or unique. I love bright colours, but for the variety of colorful stuff I post on this blog, I think it would be visual overload to have some wild vintage pattern as a background? The amount of random stuff (military, writing, crafting, humor, photography and everything else) I post on here is probably overwhelming enough!
So perhaps simple is better?
Or something. Thing is, I don't actually know. I've tried to redo this blog so many times, and I never like anything that I come up with!

Also, there is this. Old barn wood. I like that too.

There will probably be more changes in the future. Obviously the headers are just text and need to be redone in some fabulous way. Any ideas, friends? Know of any great free blog background sites? I've used hotbliggityblog before, but I am sturggling to make their backgrounds behave on my blog. Either has to be reverted to the old template settings, or somehow in the picture window template, but for one reason or another it isn't always showing!? If you have any ideas/suggestions I would love to hear them!

Humour me people, humour me.

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