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Me, myself and my new stuff.

Me, myself and my new stuff. - We've built this blog Red Gadget News a few years ago, in my busy time now I still try to keep updating the information on this blog for you seekers of information about the latest gadget technology, now we're discussing first about us Me, myself and my new stuff. has gathered a lot of information to make this article so that the news that you give complete, please see:

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Article camera, Article Creativity, Article photography, Article Spring, Article This is Me, Article Vintage,

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Me, myself and my new stuff.

Okay, we all know I got a new camera. This camera is beautiful, wonderful and amazing. It also has a self timer shooting option...*ahem, cough, hint*

 I also bought a dress. It is handmade and from the fifties. The shop owner said she acquired it from two older women who were selling their house and needed to get rid of an attic full of clothes from their youth. JACKPOT! I love vintage stuff. I adore handmade stuff. I also like stuff from cute little shops (just opened today!), especially when the stuff you want costs $10. Win, win, win situation.

With the combination of the camera, the vintage dress, and the springy weather I thought it would be a good time for a narcissistic photo session. So here it is!

Look at me, all smarty looking and in a dress. 
*okay, I'm not actually reading. I just thought a little Sherlock would be nice as a prop.

Dear Bella, 
We're pale.
your legs.

Cliche I have a book on my face shot? check.

I sort of stop looking like me when I make this face?
This is more like me, for sure. Why sit on a couch if you can sit on the top of it?

 I feel like this photo is TOTALLY me. 
It's been a while since pure me-ness has been captured by a camera, but this right here? 
That sarcastic and sassy face?
Oh yes. That  is ME.

*update: I was told that if I wore pearls and pushed a vacuum I could be June Cleaver (from leave it to beaver) in this outfit. Apparently that is a compliment on the fact that I can rock a dress from another era. But honestly people, would June Cleaver make ^that^ face? I think not. And besides, her dresses are all one color and boring. Mine not. :)

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